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Happy Belated Father's day

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

Happy belated Fathers' day! 23/06/2020

The flashing lights of the maternity ward

Your little one sound asleep like an angel wrapped in this white windowed blanket he will call chicken one day!

The moans form the lady next door when she arrives exhausted as they wheel her past my bed

The beeps and sounds, chatter of nurses in the darkness, "Do you want your baby to end up in Nicu? You must feed her"

You must be sound asleep in your comfortable bed, but I’m too excited by what lies ahead. The dread of having to spend a penny pushing my baby with that divide in my lower belly making it like climbing Everest. Wires attached above and below and a stand to accompany me fighting my way through the heavy double doors that must be shut just as tight behind me for they are to keep us all safe from fire.

I’m not quite here, in a daze of finding my way through the present and the future, a minute or two, 3 days and an eternity after for I am now a mother and eventually you are a father. My fluttery heart and tears of joy for giving you this gift, you so deserve it. Happy belated Fathers’ day.

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iandyoumatter 2020


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