When the heavens open up and there's thunder on the way I will be be thinking of her
Oh how I wish I could be there All the times she was scared
at merely 6 years old When they put her on the train She left her homeland when she was only a kid
All alone she travelled to be miles away to seek company with a dog that her aunt fed and bred
was it her mummy or daddy who decided that fate?
When she told me that story I wish I hadn't looked away Oh I wish oh I wish how I'd listened to her
Instead I turned a blind eye and said are you losing your head? You told me that story only yesterday
Her coffin is waiting for me to pay my respect I will sit by her side and say, forgive me I've sinned Oh I wish how I wish that you were here today!
I would have sat by your side and put down my phone down and said leave that be Debbie, the washing up can wait.
Instead I sit here wondering is all this empathy too late? I could have got her a pet or at least suggested it!
Why did I make time for my friends but never listened to her?
Why do we get distracted? Why do we wait? Until something hits us and we meet our fate
Regrets, regrets, they don't get you anywhere I know I am better now and that I've changed!
Do you ever question your #actions?
How do you react when someone tells you a story? Do you make time for them or do you get on with your day? Hope they stop rabbiting on and be on their way? or do you truly feel their pain?
Lessons learned.
Too much rushing around, putting others first, has this effect. We must stop the noise, take some quiet time and listen to our intuition Distractions and going with the flow, rushing around, hijacks us, we end up spending time in the not so right place, we switch the telly on and listen to the media.
Did you know that the media is subject to censorship? You will only hear what is programmed for you to hear. That affects what we do.
Thoughts lead to words, words lead to actions, actions turn into #habits. We display a type of #behavior and when repeated, it forms our character.
Why do we #believe every single thing said? Stop and ask questions and really listen!
#busylives #empathyleadership #iandyoumatter #togetherwearestronger #covid19leadership #beliefs are so #important#peaceofmind #peace