Let's talk about boundaries. I believe they are so important when establishing respect in relationships. In fact I think they are Key! My view is that we can't build win-win long term relationships unless we understand this but what if that person is holding up a mirror? After all, isn't that how we grow? Did I just contradict myself? Perhaps we need to define boundaries first. Lets talk about how eclipse happens. I refer to when the moon sits between the earth and the sun. Now depending where we are on earth, we may see a Shadow casts on earth. A darkness although temporary, is not something we invite. It helps to tell ourselves this too will pass. No point trying to move it. After all we are bound by space and time? Imagine being in an office. How would you speak to your boss? Your peers? What is your motive? Are we respectful towards each other? Or do we find opportunities to get too personal and invade their comfort zone? Just because we perceive someone saying something let's not assume what we hear is even what they said. If I do not understand something, I ask a qualifying question but when someone has said all they want to say, on a subject matter, I accept that. I say to myself, . I know that some people take longer than others. Perhaps it is the fear of being judged or a trauma from their past. just because we find the sea peaceful, It does not mean everyone does. e.g: I personally have mix images after the kid that was washed ashore from Syria. I also believe energy is everything and not everyone is in a position to take up a challenge on the spot. I find that If we want help in an area on the border of this boundary, it is best to ask permission and if they say no, I take no for an answer. Saying no comes in many different forms. Perhaps we need to work out who deserves an explanation and who deserves nothing at all? Do you feel like you have to comment on every post or do you sometimes walk on by? How do you handle those interactions? Are you aware of the communication Guidelines? Are you respecting others and yourself?
Last but not least.